Call today for an estimate: 231-794-9788

Six Sigma, Industrial Experimental Design

  • Process analysis using Six Sigma methods – The Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control problem solving sequence can be used to improve processes ranging from manufacturing of articles or chemicals to transactions between business parties. Mapping out the process in the Define step often brings to light improvements that can be made quickly and easily.  Evaluating the measurement system in the Measure step sometimes shows that the measuring instruments or methods in use are not capable of the accuracy needed, so new methods must be introduced.  Establishing relationships between the process outputs and process variables in the Analyze step points the process improvement team to the most important factors to focus on.  After the process relationships are sorted out, specific changes to the process are proposed and tested in the Improve phase.  In the Control step, the improvements are documented in a clear control plan to record these useful changes and keep the benefits from slipping away as personnel change.
  • Experimental design for process improvement – Changes proposed in the Improve phase are often tested by using designed experiments to vary the process conditions in a carefully planned manner. Duplication of tests within the experimental plan is a good way to measure the variation of the process being studied.
Phone: 231-794-9788
Ludington, MI 49431
1037 N. Ferry St.